
Welcome to Emerald Moon Homestead

Well, the day has arrived…I have decided to listen to the advice of some of my friends and relatives who have mentioned repeatedly that the hilarity (and hard work) of our life on our property needs to be recorded. From horses escaping and galloping down the road while I chase after them in a jumpsuit and booties (NOT a normal yardwork ensemble – I had just gotten home from a baby shower where I actually wore makeup for the first time in months…), to the fact that I have stealthily removed a hen from a tree twice in one week, to snakes in the hen house, I will share our adventures, DIY projects, my attempts at food preservation, and info about the animals and garden projects.

I hope to make you laugh, share some knowledge, and maybe inspire someone to grow some of their own food, can some of their own veggies, add backyard hens or honeybees to their home, learn about alternatives to harsh chemicals, and foster a sense of gratitude and connection to our natural world and Mother Earth as we get to know one another!

If you haven’t already – check out the “About Us” page for more details on my little family.



Doesn’t everyone carry their handy pocket knife to afternoon tea? Just in case? No…? 😉



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